Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Cookie Challenge - Changing Direction

So, I decided to shift my Cookie Love challenge to a new cookie cookbook. I knew there were gonna be some cookies in the Cookie Love book that I didn't like (for example the Oatmeal Scotchies) but as I started really looking through the book, I realized, I was going to enjoy like, none of the cookies. 

I started reading through the recipes, I mean really reading through them and they were getting pretty strange and complex. And the ingredients started getting more specialty, and I'm not sure where I would be able to find them. For example, I don't eat Lemon Goat-Butter Tea Cookies and wouldn't be able to find goat-butter at Kroger. 

So went in search of a new cookie book. And I found one. 

Milk & Cookies: 89 Heirloom Recipes from New York's Milk & Cookies Bakery

Now, this is my kind of cookie book. It contains six chapters of externally yummy sounding cookies. Think chocolate chip, double chocolate chip mint, oatmeal raisin, dark chocolate peanut butter cookies, m&m's cookies and gingersnaps, just to name a few. 

So there. I've switching books. But I'm keeping the name "Cookie Love Challenge" because, well, I love cookies. 

Milk & Cookies: 89 Heirloom Recipes from New York's Milk & Cookies Bakery

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